Natural Remote Viewing
A practical guide to the mental martial art of self discovery
Describe events and outcomes of Cleveland‘s “Balloonfest '86” September 27, 1986 at the Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio, United States The event is the launch of the balloons, about 1:50 p.m. Viewer is to describe the preparations leading to the launch, the event and aftermath.
Cleveland Balloonfest '86
Balloonfest '86 was a 1986 event in which the United Way of Cleveland in Ohio set a world record by releasing almost one-and-a-half million balloons. The event was intended to be a harmless fundraising publicity stunt, but the balloons drifted back over the city, Lake Erie, and landed in the surrounding area, and caused problems for traffic and a nearby airport. In consequence, the organizers and the city faced lawsuits seeking millions of dollars in damages, and cost overruns put the event at a net loss. No available images please search and see videos such as

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