Natural Remote Viewing
A practical guide to the mental martial art of self discovery
Remote Viewing Resources
Books and websites mentioned in the book.

Recommended Websites
A ‘one-stop-shop’ list is Jon Knowles’ comprehensive ‘ONE20+’ site. There sections on sites that have examples sessions and sites that have practise targets.
Remote Viewing People and Organisations
International Remote Viewing Association
Russell Targ
Stephan Schwartz
Ed May Laboratories of Fundamental Research
Ingo Swann
Dr. Paul H. Smith
Paul Smith's Remote Viewing Blog
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (Pear)
Dale Graff
Joseph McMoneagle
Hawaii Remote Viewers' Guild
Pam Coronado
Daz Smith
Daz Smith's eight martinis – Remote Viewing magazine
Debra Katz International School of Clairvoyance
Christopher Barbour
Facebook remote viewing group
Husick Group
Applied Precognition Project (APP)
Remote Viewing Sites with Practice Targets
Natural Remote Viewing
Target Monkey
Debra's Remote Viewing Target Practice
Aesthetic Impact Informational Services
Dojopsi (Viewer Studios, Go View!)
Intuitive Specialists
Meditation Related Websites
Monroe Institute
IONS Institute of Noetic Sciences
Heart Math Institute (com)
Heart Math Institute (org)
Relaxation Response
Related Websites
Got Psi?
The Institute of Noetic Sciences
Dean Radin
Society for Psychical Research?s Psi Encyclopedia
Edgar Cayce A.R.E.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Iain McGilchrist

Recommended Books
Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities
Russell Targ, Harold Puthoff
Describes the early days at SRI, including the first magnetometer experiment with Swann, and the testing methodologies employed.
Limitless Mind - a guide to remote viewing and transformation of consciousness
Russell Targ
Covering Targ's time at SRI and beyond, teaching and working with remote viewing.
The Reality of ESP - A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities
Russell Targ
Review of studies and Targ's personal experience of psi.
The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities
Russell Targ, Keith Harary
A down to earth guide to using your psychic abilities by two former members of the SRI team.
Opening to the Infinite
Stephan Schwartz
Schwartz all encompassing overview of remote viewing - History, method, application.
The Secret Vaults of Time - Psychic Archaeology and the Quest for Man’s Beginnings
Stephan Schwartz
Fascinating review of the use of psychics in archaeology.
Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate: America's Psychic Espionage Program
Dr. Paul H. Smith
Another excellent overview of the Star Gate program and the CRV methodology.
The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing
Dr. Paul H. Smith
Review of the modern-day remote viewing history, and the methodologies available, and opportunities for learning remote viewing.
Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies
Jim Schnabel
Comprehensive overview of the U.S. government’s history with remote viewing from SRI beginnings and the creation of the protocols, through to the U.S. Army units and eventual disbandment.
Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul
F. Holmes Atwater
Star Gate from the man on the inside who had the foresight and perseverance to get it started. Forward by Dean Radin, Introduction by Joe McMoneagle, Afterword by PH Smith and a CD of presentations, recorded ERV sessions, and related documents.
Remote Viewing Secrets
Joe McMoneagle
Joe's guide to remote viewing.
The Stargate Chronicles – Memoirs of a Psychic Spy
Joe McMoneagle
Joe's biography covering his time in the military remote viewing unit.